Download the Profiler Utility software which is available at the following link
Install Profiler Utility from Aeroqual supplied zip file by Clicking on the "Profiler Installer 1.9"
If prompted by Windows attempting to protect your PC, click "More info", then click "Run anyway". This will start the Profiler Utility Setup Wizard
Click next several times to start the installation. Click "Yes" when prompted to allow the program to make changes.
When the installation is complete, click the "Close" button
Disconnect the 9-pin female cable from the PP8 or M1IO module, leaving the 9-pin male end plugged into the Profiler engine. Plug in an appropriate USB-Serial converter into the ribbon cable. Alternatively, if your USB-serial cable has a sufficient length, you can plug it directly into the 9-pin female connection on the profiler engine.
Connect the USB end of the USB/RS232 cable to the USB port of the Laptop or PC. Ensure the correct drivers are installed prior to plugging in the cable.
Ensure the 12V DC power cable to the profiler engine remains connected.
If you are using a MOXA USB-Serial Converter, ensure the Com Port and Serial settings are correct, by selecting the following settings found in Windows "Device Manager". COM Port will vary on each PC. Baud Rate: 9600, Data bits: 8, Parity: None, Stop Bits: 1, Flow Control: None
After Running the Profiler Utility, go to Settings --> Connection
Ensure the Connection Settings for Port number and Port Speed match the Device Manager Settings. Click OK
Ensure the window shows "Connected" in the bottom left hand corner
Go to Settings --> Counter
Ensure Settings are identical to the "Counter Settings" shown in the thumbnail
Click OK
After settings have been saved from the previous step, remove 12 VDC power cable from the Profiler engine for 10 seconds
Plug the 12 VDC power cable back to the Profiler engine.
For further support, contact Technical Support.
For further support, contact Technical Support.