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If you bought your monitor after October 2019, you can easily connect the following third-party sensors using virtual AUX.
MSO weather station from Met One
WXT536 weather station from Vaisala
Windsonic from Gill Instruments
AirMar 200WX from AirMar
However, the following third-party sensors need to be manually wired to the AUX module.
MK427 noise meter from Cirrus
LI-200 Pyranometer from Li-Cor
Thread the sensor's cable through a free cable gland on the outside of the monitor. The gland could be on a side wall or the underside of the monitor. It depends on the model.
To check the operation of the third-party sensor in your office or laboratory prior to site installation, this step isn't mandatory.
Remove the cover from the power and data interface (PDI).
Find the communication ports for third-party sensors on the left-hand side of the PDI board. These 4-way communication ports are labelled COM3 Sensor and COM2 Sensor.
Using the colour coded chart to guide you, wire the sensor into one of the communication ports.
The Cirrus MK427 noise meter and Li-Cor LI-200 Pyranometer need to be connected using a separate auxiliary (AUX) module.
When you're happy with the wiring, turn on the monitor.
Wait a few minutes and log in to Aeroqual Connect.
Go to the Configure app and click Settings from the side menu.
In the External Sensors column, choose the driver for your third-party sensor.
More selection fields appear in the External Sensors column, and the sensor appears in the Active Sensors list in the Sensors column.
Choose the communication port the sensor is connected to from the drop-down list in External Sensors.
Click Save.
For further support, contact Technical Support.
For further support, contact Technical Support.