If desired, you can connect the SM70 to an external, mains-powered device, such as an alarm, siren, extractor fan or ozone generator. To do this, you need to include a separate mains rated relay.
The set point of the on-board relay activates the relay switch, which controls your external device.
The SM70 enclosure is pre-drilled and fitted with a cable gland to facilitate a cable connection to the relay, data output connectors and analogue output.
The onboard relay output is 24V; 5A (max).
Note: Mains equipment should only be wired by a certified electrician.
No parts specified.
Remove the lid from the SM70 by unscrewing the 4 lid screws.
Turn over the lid so the underside of the sensor board is visible.
Using the screw terminal connectors on the sensor board, wire the desired external device to either the normally open or normally closed contacts as required for your application and firmware version.
Feed the cable through the supplied 12mm cable gland to your external device.
This diagram shows one method of connecting a SM70 to a mains-powered device.
For further support, contact Technical Support.
For further support, contact Technical Support.
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