Operators may wish to test their monitor by performing a bump test prior to taking measurements.
A bump test involves quickly exposing the sensor to span gas and confirming the sensor responds.
Unlike calibration there is no adjustment of the monitor in response to the level of gas detected.
The equipment for performing a bump test is the same as that used to perform a span calibration, however it isn’t necessary to wait for the monitor to warm up or wait for readings to stabilize to confirm a successful bump test.
You don't need to wait for the monitor to warm up before performing a bump test, nor wait for readings to stabilize to confirm a successful bump test.
Turn on the span gas and observe the sensor reading. The reading should quickly elevate above the baseline reading and approach that of the span gas concentration.
If the reading doesn't approach that of the span concentration, this could indicate a sensor fault, or the need to perform a calibration.
If you observe an elevated reading close to the span gas concentration, turn off the gas and wait for the readings to come down to baseline level before taking measurements.
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