Use this guide to install version 6.6 of the Series 500 software on your PC.
Note: If you try to install an older version of the software that isn't compatible with newer versions of JavaScript on your PC, you may get a Javascript error or Windows error 2.
You can request a free download of the Aeroqual software for the Series 500 via the Aeroqual website.
Series 500 software v6.6 supports Series 500 monitors with firmware S500 v5.x. Earlier versions are incompatible.
Computer requirements:
USB to monitor cable and PS2 Y connector cable if logging temperature and relative humidity (supplied with the Series 500).
Window OS version 2000 or later required – iOS platforms are not supported.
512 Mb RAM or more recommended.
1 GHz processor speed or faster recommended.
For further support, contact Technical Support or email
For further support, contact Technical Support or email
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